Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rupert Murdoch presents The Daily

In plain text and lush photos Rupert Murdoch wants to rescue the newspaper in the internet age. Or much more the principle newspaper, for the U.S. market, designed for the payment offer "The Daily" appears exclusively digital, initially exclusively on Apple's iPad. On Wednesday introduced the 79-year-old entrepreneur, whose media group revenues in the tens of billions of dollars, makes the project with a flourish before.

As many as a "new journalism" for "new times" Murdoch promised at the presentation in New York. The newspaper principle, but then all the old woman every day laces up his editing a news package that is delivered to the readers. In this case, it is an app that gets its text and images sent via the Internet provides.

Moreover, after sliding the editorial in the daily course of news. Divided into six sections - News, Gossip, Opinion, Arts & Life, Apps & Games and Sports - offers "The Daily" concise articles, great pictures and some videos and interactive elements. Cover story of the first issue is the rebellion in Egypt.

wiped with the fingers, pushes and pushes you through the pages of "The Daily" - and reads, inter alia, of the pregnant Natalie Portman, snowfall on Bollywood films and strong. In between, there's advertising. New this is not - neither the content nor the packaging. Similar offers just one example, the Frankfurter Rundschau on since September 2010.

Cut in the printed newspaper lands, attractively packaged, iPad on the charge. What does the "Frankfurter Rundschau" and the majority of the iPad offers but is missing is a link to the Internet, which goes beyond mere references to websites. The social component that is so obvious now in dealing with offers on the Web, can miss many iPad offers: Without effort or tricks can not send links, not copy sentences and pictures, write any comments.

The iPad newspaper "Frankfurter Rundschau" looks good, it can be operated perfectly - and it compares with the traditional website but amputated. Exactly what will make "The Daily" different. This allows the user to write comments on articles or opponent. Although the pay offer is entirely on Apple's sofa-surfing computer cut - but for others it is a free version on the net savings.

Thus, for sending links through Facebook, Twitter or e-mail, directly from the app. Pay for the beautiful illusion That works well if the recipient does not iPad or the "Daily" app has: via the link, and only through the link leads to a version of the article on the publicly accessible website.

There will be advised of the iPad version can still read the article but in smaller, more compact font and no graphics package. This solution opens up "The Daily" the Internet - and seals off its paying customers are not artificially from the rest of the Internet. The result is a hybrid model, a hybrid of digital newspaper with bolted web page.

The purpose of the dual strategy is to make the final iPad with the strict separation of free online services and the highly polished payment products for "The Daily" approach to educate. Readers should pay money again for news, in spite of the abundance of Internet news. A million subscribers to reach, so that "The Daily" financially worthwhile for the group.

It costs the newspaper a token price of 99 cents per week for the daily update - you conclude an annual subscription, is 11 cents per day. Because the user directly but their appreciation for "The Daily" signal, the advertisers hope for more attention - and give at least theoretically, more money for advertising space.

Great pictures, the smallest common denominator, proper attention, the industry looks to the experiment. For many media houses, which were decades of newspapers and magazines compete to achieve outstanding returns, now with Facebook and Google for attention and advertising dollars - often to their detriment.

Since the iPad comes that rather than other computer for media consumption is beyond the desk, with its beautiful appearance just right. Especially when their owners are accustomed to it from beginning to spend in Apple's online store for additional programs small amounts. A simple billing system and a rigid quality control outweigh the disadvantage that Apple mitverdient to the content and mark out the technical framework.

In addition, there is even a year after the launch of the iPad still no significant competition. There remains the question of who "The Daily" is to actually read. "Everybody", editor Jesse Angelo said on Wednesday. While the media deals not only on the Internet differentiate more and more, will "The Daily" hit the masses.

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