Saturday, January 29, 2011

48 hours to create a video game

Nearly 5,000 competitors in 173 cities are going to be locked during this weekend to create a game from scratch. Shortly before three o'clock in the afternoon of Friday, began to arrive the first creators. They come with cushions, backpacks, computers and grocery bags. Have coffee and refrigerator, but no showers.

"Those of us from Madrid we can go home ... or there's always some friend who lends you his," said one participant. This challenge, called GameJam, is performed worldwide since 2002. In Madrid is organized by the Master of Game Development at the University Complutense and the MediaLab Prado gets the seat.

This is the third year and initially planned to not exceed 40 participants. Pedro Gonzalez, director of the Master and ideologist of the challenge, was not able to deny membership to anyone. In the absence of a lag in the end will be almost 60. "It's normal then join those already working in industry and are signing up to help new or to meet interesting people," says Gonzalez.

After a few minutes in the yard with the usual camp games - "are information technology and, although it sounds a cliché, we need to get to know better," says Guillermo Jiménez Díaz, one of the teachers, returned to the room and know the restrictions of this issue. The central theme is the word "extinction." Those who want more emphasis can add difficulty to the challenge: make a game in which the interaction is not with your hands, for example.

Those who already have experience give advice. For example: check the real possibility of finishing it and not impose impossible challenges, often to try and improve it, concentrate on the original idea rather than the obvious. After half an hour to think about it the more adventurous go on stage and have had what idea.

One proposes the Lemmings, puzzle myth of 90, but on the contrary. Instead of saving, you have to set traps to kill them. Everson mobile social games Siqueira proposes a mobile game. You have one about to appear in the Apple App Store. The case of this Brazilian has amazed everyone. He came to Spain on holiday and unaware of the existence of the Master.

Decided to leave his life in Sao Paulo, where he was working as an art director in the subsidiary Yahoo! in your country to embark on this adventure. After working as a publicist and web designer, I felt I could shape the scripts that I had in mind. "The future is in mobile social games," he predicts.

12 hours before you did something similar in New Zealand, where he began the challenge. Will gradually coming to places like Verona, Prague, Sunnyvale, Cape Town, Seoul or Bangkok. Results are usually run on a computer, although some are for Microsoft XBOX. Most competitors are computer programmers.

It is very likely to complete their work but the visual is what gives them more work. The designers listed on the rise. Irene Gabriel, 23 years is also the only girl and graphic. The same thing happened last year, no more is said. His taste for the game comes from small, parental influence.

Fine Arts has ended. Came to this world for a design course in three dimensions. Began working with students in the Master of Game Development and decided to participate in the GameJam 2010. Integralcom works in an enterprise application, as a designer. "I do not want to dedicate professionally to the games.

They are my hobby. In this area the pressure is very, very hard," he said while waiting for your kid comes home from work and join the session. They met in the 2010 edition. This weekend celebrate anniversary. Paul Láñez group work, Zaragoza, is making video game design degree from ESNE.

First time and has brought with it the computer tower. "I called and told me that we leave here monitor" is an excuse to see that not everyone is going well. Campus Party With several appear behind your machine with a handle at the top seems very normal. Soon strikes up a conversation with Enrique Gil, a computer that also opens in GameJam and just leave the job to "learn more and get into this sector.

It is full of opportunities. "Groups can be 3 or 4 people. On Sunday at 15 hours will present their findings to the jury. Whoever wins, the experience is what's most gratifying. The prize is a Nintendo Wii, an award that in this environment, it is more honorable than incentive. Everyone console.

After all, it is your tool.

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