Thursday, March 31, 2011

James Cameron wants more frames per second to improve the 3D

Surely no one is more appropriate to talk about James Cameron 3D film. His movie Avatar we could say that was the baptism of 3D cinema in the world, and surely that the sequel is already preparing seeking a higher level. And for the director, increasing the frames per second shown in film and TV is the key to improving the 3D images, avoiding eye strain and reducing one of the drawbacks of 3D cinema: the loss of brightness by using glasses.

His proposal is along the Landau producer of 24/30 fps up today to at least a 48 or even 60 frames per second. These rates are achieved without problems and in the recording, but not take advantage of more time for slow motion scenes. With digital cameras should not be a problem, but to agree because the players and teams have to be prepared.

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