Monday, May 2, 2011

Ecocensure the time of the web

Yesterday I was watching streaming in the meeting, held at the Perugia Journalism Festival, for The New Frontier, involve the community. Peter Gomez also participated in the debate which among other things has shown the "politics" of the site Ilfattoquotidiano. com and his blog. Bloggers, Gomez said, they can write what they want and is only made a very serious control issues (in criminal law, or racism, insults or other).

We bloggers on the other hand we have no control over the comments by readers, who are free (subject to the checks referred to above) to write what they want. I follow the same policy for the blog that I keep on science, and here as there is no shortage of criticism of those who think differently, they are free to express (so hopefully civil) their opinion.

This free two-way interaction is what makes it superior, in my opinion, the Web the old print media, not to mention television. While listening to the speakers at the Festival of Journalism glanced web news related to GMOs. On Ecoblog published an article titled Bananas sterile saved by GM? But what we did ...

The article contains a series of nonsense and suggests among other things that scientists have "specially" made sterile bananas for commercial reasons, it lacks any basis. Now, bananas are all edible seedless, and have been for centuries "naturally", without any evil scientist has thought to "sterilize".

Irritated by the carelessness of the article, since the ranking is the tenth Blogbabel Ecoblog Italian blog and it is widely read, write this commentary (a bit 'hit I admit): What the hell are you saying? The banana "rendered sterile"? The seeds "removed" or else you do not sell? But look at that only seedless bananas (ie, sterile) are edible.

For centuries. Do not write nonsense if you do not know the topic. Banana Bread I discussed in my book and Lies: procuratevene a copy if you want to understand a bit 'better argument (here's an excerpt) The comment will be deleted after a few minutes. Him again. Deleted again. I was even refused to comment on my behalf, without any explanation.

Calling him again "Dario Censored" I can put it back. Today is again cleared. I could put it back, maybe even skipping the control IP using some tricks, but I see, however, that other readers have made comments critical of the article that now appears (at least to me) most commented. Ironically, even a comment from another reader who complained about how Ecoblog delete reader comments will be deleted.

The episode itself is a small thing but it should give pause: in many websites, forums and blogs, even famous, if someone writes things that are not "aligned" is likely to be censored or even banned. Several times such as on the blog of Beppe Grillo I got to see action in the complaint if the messages are critical to the article (in my case, still on the GM, I pointed out that some things he had written were Grillo of crap, but Other readers have reported similar experiences censorship on other issues, even on the famous and infamous Biowashball).

It 's definitely a legitimate editorial policy: it can be argued that everyone in her house does what he wants. But it makes sense a thing of the Web 2.0 era? It is immediately sgam, if you write nonsense and it'll definitely someone out, somewhere. It 's the web, beauty! It would make a better shape to say, "Sorry, we wrote a bullshit, now we correct." But many in this web have not yet understood.

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