Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Political Blog Vertigo: Hetero-iD, lesbian fantasies

"Shame on you": Two bloggers reap the wrath of the Internet because they presented themselves as lesbian political activists. One critic wrote when Syrian regime, the other posted as "Paula Brooks" from the U.S. - they even flirted with each other via the web. Hamburg - Just days after an American had known that the alleged Syrian regime critic and lesbian blogger Amina Abdallah Arraf only a fictional character, was another alleged blogger was unmasked.

Re-admitted a man to have occurred as a lesbian political activist. On Monday said Bill Graber, a former pilot in the U.S. Air Force, "Washington Post", "Yes, I'm Paula Brooks." Under this pen name the 58-year-old had three years lezgetreal texts on the website. com releases. Even the supposed contributions Amina Arraf belonged to it.

But while to the man who claimed Amina Arraf be stated now with a detailed blog post, Graber denied his long-time doubles. Ultimately in vain: the blogger Liz Henry on Sunday expressed their suspicions on BlogHer. com. She had noticed that the blogger Paula Brook lezgetreal. com because of their connection to the alleged Amina Arraf was contacted frequently by the media, but had never met in person in appearance.

"Brooks has never spoken to reporters only by e-mail or chat contacted," she wrote. Like Amina, no one had ever got Paula Brooks to face, not even those who themselves to lezgetreal. com were involved. When the reporter from the Washington Post asked to speak personally with Paula Brooks, they got the information, Brooks could only by her father as a go phone with them because they were deaf themselves.

When it actually came to such a call, left the newspaper staff persisted. Finally admitted the man, who appeared as the father of Paula Brooks, the figure only invented and wrote their own texts to have. His motives were noble nature, said unmasked. After he had learned in a friendly lesbian couple, how bad homosexuals were often treated, he had decided to do stand up for their rights.

He was afraid of not being taken seriously as a heterosexual man. Not men who flirt as lesbians much different, the history of Tom MacMaster and his fictional character Amina Abdallah Arraf. Who wrote this symbol of the Syrian opposition is in fact, had also cleared up until Monday. With her blog, "A Gay Girl in Damascus" had received the alleged blogger much attention and many expressions of sympathy.

The apparent pattern has been credited high that she went as a lesbian and regime critic in their alleged home country with the blog in great danger. That they in the photos, which she published in her blog, also still looked very good, did the rest. Exactly these photos but they were also the doubters put on the track of the man who hid behind it: Tom MacMaster, one living in Scotland, married an American.

In his latest blog entry he apologized eloquently for his actions, admitted, put people in danger and that the real bloggers who risk their lives to report from Syria that they have discredited. He also indicates noble motives, writes that he had invented the Syrian blogger just because he wanted to find out whether he would find his views on the Middle East conflict more, if he it under the name of his female alter ego formulated.

Whether it really was all one has to question at least critically. For after they had made on their female, ostensibly lesbian apparent contact with each other personalities, had the two men as Paula Brooks and Amina Arraf flirted with each other regularly, according to the Washington Post.

A matter of how little they knew that their respective opposite is actually a man, becomes evident in MacMasters last blog post, in which he apologizes to include the case of four unnamed women he had "violated in a very different way." Paula Brooks is one of the former. "Shame on you" On the web, the outing of the two bogus blogger triggered a wave of indignation.

The lezgetreal. com weblog is no longer available on Monday, which means that the operator of the page, Carbonell Linda, on another blog to their readers, and is aimed asks, "What the hell is wrong with straight men and their lesbian fantasies?" The idea that Bill and Tom would have flirted with each other, was very amusing, the situation itself is nevertheless serious.

In gaymiddleeast blog. com goes to Tom MacMasters much tougher on the court. Sami Hamwi blogger writes: "Shame on you, Mr. MacMaster ... What you have done has hurt us all, has put us in danger." MacMasters apology could not accept it. That this, as he himself might have put in great danger as he began to investigate because of the alleged arrest Amina Arraf site in Syria.

A pile of rubble was this story Also it that led ultimately to the fact that the great hoax was uncovered: On Monday of last week it was said that the sympathetic blogger was of Syrian intelligence agents on the open road attacked and kidnapped been than they are on the way to a wanted to meet with opposition.

Reports had alleged that her cousin Rania - and gave rise to, among other things, the formation of a support group on Facebook. Exactly this group is now typical of the anger, the graves and MacMaster in the network now receive strikes. The reactions of those who previously wanted by the thousands for the release of those arrested are said to use, often very dramatically.

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