Monday, January 17, 2011

Applications on Samsung TVs are on the rise

Not even two months ago that the Korean company shared with us the number of downloads of applications that were having on their TVs, surpassing one million, and already we are reporting that has broken the barrier of two million. Growth is very important in such a short time and informs us that users are beginning to value the use of applications on a device like a TV without having to go for more complex solutions such as Google TV or Apple TV.

In early December there were 200 applications available, of course not the entire world, and now we can report that it has reached the figure of 380 applications, of which 259 are free. As in the world of mobile phones, computers or applications wherever there is more quantity does not mean better quality, but is certainly a sign of health of the system.

The first million was exceeded in 268 days, and the second in just 53 days. We highlight the names of some such as YouTube, Hulu Plus, AccuWeather, or Google Maps. The number looks like it fired this year that Samsung wants to put on the market in 2011, more than 12 million TV Smart TV.

In the past CES 2011 will show a good range of TVs ready for it, with a major redesign of the service and interface. Track | Samsung hub.

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