Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sound experiments in the network: Is the music or even a game?

Music games have long been a hit under the Christmas tree: a game, that made the music. But show more and more web-experiments: not true, yes! All the "Guitar Heroes" and "Rock Bands" do just as if they could make music. In fact, Flip hood a piece of music through traditional Spielmachanik synchronously (for example, "Guitar Hero: Whac-A-Mole).

Because it's an energetic soundtrack,'s game is more stop fun. Play with music composed one explores sounds - but they are not operated like a computer game. Titles like "Isle of Tune", "Seaquence" or "Balldropping" are thus neither game nor music software, or instruments, they are a new form of playing music.

For, contrary to direct music production with one instrument (eg, press = pre-defined noise) they want a game element between man and sound machines. This game music can be explored in new ways, more noise, or even a sound, what else is a snap or even a rhythm. And soon, the game show music, such as "Seaquence" likely to create songs like organisms - share a playful modular evolution, in the music and animals mate, her grades DNA mix - or fall on weak compositions ...

Making music as a game - the most exciting musical experiments in the network at a glance.

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