Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bezos: Amazon tip over Italy started with 4 million users "

Jeff Bezos is a satisfied man. Amazon, the company that he founded and which guides many years, and enjoys good health, despite the markets expecting better results, growing both as consumers and as sales and revenues. The overall e-commerce giant has broken even in Italy, where he arrived a few months ago and is winning, after the United States and Europe, the Asian market, with growing success in China.

What are the goals that Amazon stands today? "We have many goals in both the short and long term, but in general if I were to tell where Amazon is going to have a clear idea of the ideas we want to get even better results in being client-centered company, to be completely" customercentric ".

to better explain the do's an example: after the Second World War, the founder of Sony, Morita, had a mission, that Japan wanted to become famous for the quality of its products. His goal was to improve the perception of Japan and the people in the world had to have after the disaster of the war, wanted the world thinks of Japan and worked well for this to happen through the products of Sony.

We also have a vision, we want to build a customer experience so new and satisfactory degree of move forward the whole market, by establishing rules and different standards and innovative. And I'm sixteen years working on this. " In many, in fact, we have followed, in some cases there have literally copied ...

"Our approach is different from the other and we want to emphasize that. There are highly successful companies whose main goal is to compete every day are asking" how do I overcome the other "and have a strategy built on this competition that lead them to follow and copy the pioneers. We no, no fields concerned much competition, we are concerned, however, find new ideas and new pioneers.

We do not mind making mistakes, we do not care if every time we end in an impasse rather we like it. At the center of our world are the needs of our customers, their desires, and we believe this approach is the cornerstone of our success. " What are the areas where you still see room for growth? "It is clear that the room for growth, in general, for many many e-commerce.

But looking forward everything that is happening in the territory of the mobile is compelling, there is room for great inventions, is a dynamic area, up and it's exciting to be equal to the new challenges. " Think she, like Steve Jobs, that we are entering the era of post computer? "It is certainly true that the new device, the Kindle smart phones are changing the way people are connected and using digital media.

But I do not think that laptop or desktop will disappear, will be joined by the tablet, from e-readers and other new tools. "Amazon has arrived in Italy recently and after a long wait. Are you satisfied with the results?" More than happy because results we have achieved far exceeded our most optimistic expectations.

We have focused heavily on the Italian market, we have opened Amazon. it with the largest range of product categories and we have offered a million products, but the response has been incredible. We are already working to expand supply and improve our service. If you want a service that works with products that are delivered quickly and at low cost, you must have a well functioning local structures it.

We had four million unique users in a few months, we are very encouraged, it was a fantastic start. "What were the main difficulties encountered in the Italian market?" Nothing in particular, in principle, consumers are the same in all countries they want low prices, large selection of products and speed delivery.

We are focused on these things because we know they are the ones that count, and count in Italy. "How big is the Italian market than the other?" It is absolutely in line with the European average, the main market is Germany, then the ' England, France and Italy. Let's say that our market than the size of country markets in which we operate "The success of Kindle and ebook is the sign of a great change in the way readers relate to the books." Quest 'for the first year we sold more electronic books to paperbacks on paper.

The books are more conventient Kindle, you can have them in sixty seconds, you can take it anywhere and read hundreds behind, a whole library. And they are lighter, you can search for content inside, you can interact with dictionaries, offer short, affordable and comfortable reading experience.

And this is the key to their success. "Happen to the market for books that has happened to the market for records?" The physical books Sarano us in the future, but will not be the primary object of reading. Remember that the paper book is just a text container, when you read a novel or biography, or otherwise, after a while 'no longer think the paper, ink and glue in your hand, you're in the world the author has created for you.

This remains, is the text that is important. "The economic crisis has affected everyone, but Amazon has continued to grow ..." No company is immune from the macro economy, we have grown in this period of difficulty, but the economic crisis in many countries had an impact on our results.

"You have the right impact of the crisis thanks to direction insert?" Definitely yes. We are a reference point for many people who want to work with us because we are the pioneers, because we like to innovate ee experiment, but also peche have patience with new ideas, we know that they need time to develop and grow.

In our company there is a continuous flow of new ideas and that to me is very important. "It also helped not having shops on the streets ..." Maybe, but do not have a physical store is a difficult challenge. We do not know why we did not do better than others. Our strength is in innovation and differentiation, if I knew how to open a shop of innovative catema I would do it.

"What are the dreams that today Jeff Bezos?" Amazon is an important part of my dreams, I like doing new things, invent, and I like to engage the customer experience, improve everything that has an impact on consumers. I like working with people who are passionate about the same things but I also have other interests.

For example I am interested in the aerospace field with my company Blue Origin, is the full scope of web service where Amazon is committed, the land of digital media interest me much. The Internet has a great rate of innovation is not a static industry, is a unique playground for inventors.

But I also have four children that require my time and a lot of other things that keep me busy. "

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