Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Video streaming: Amazon brings the TV Flatrate

Large-scale attack on Netflix: Amazon offers its premium customers free movie streaming. Who pays $ 80 a year for fast delivery, always has access to 5,000 movies and series - the offer is open only to U.S. customers. Free shipping within two days - for this service pay several million U.S. citizens Amazon $ 79 a year.

You now get on top of that a TV-Flatrate: 5000 films and television series episodes to U.S. customers get streamed to the computer, to Internet-enabled televisions and special set-top boxes and Blu-ray players. Featured films include some fairly recent titles such as "Syriana" and the film adaptation of Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy, however, include popular series such as "deperate Housewives' not for all-inclusive offer.

So it is not so easy to compare the new flat rate with rivals such as Amazon and Netflix, Hulu Plus. Both video services offer unlimited streaming for $ 7.99 a month and are thus projected annualized expensive than Amazon - but their offer is a different one.

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