Monday, May 9, 2011

Infrared solar panels: nanoantenne so multiply the energy

Panels that capture the infrared light and convert it into energy. Other than nuclear, the future is increasingly in the Sun At least that's what we feel peeking in laboratories around the world. Rather than work on the potential artificial atom, scientists are trying to optimize the light that comes naturally on our planet, at all wavelengths.

And the first results are very promising: only a few years to move from the laboratory directly on the roofs of our homes. A group of researchers at Rice University in the journal Science has found his latest: Special nanoantenne able to capture infrared light and convert it into electricity.

For the traditional solar panels, as well as for other applications to silicon, infrared light is something elusive although it comes in very large quantities on our planet: just think that it is more than one third of the light that reaches the Earth from the Sun to silicon, the material used to convert light into electricity in most solar panels, it is virtually impossible to capture the light at this frequency.

Indeed, when the infrared light reaches the traditional semiconductor does not happen any interaction: the beam passes through the material, almost like a ghost. Between infrared and these materials so there is a huge "band gap" that can not generate electricity. To overcome this obstacle, scientists have created a Texas nanoantenna metal between 110 and 158 nanometers in length, which specializes in the interaction with its own infrared light.

This special captures nanoantenna optical waves, collecting and focusing light. Not only that. At the same time is able to function as a photodiode, converting light into a stream of electrons. "The trick - explained Ezio Puppin, president of the Inter-University Consortium for Physical Sciences of the news Climascienza matter - lies in using small metal particles that help you make a complicated mechanism that is based on so-called 'surface plasmons'." These particular waves of oscillating electrons, called plasmons because they travel on the metal surface, when light strikes the antenna electrons become "hot" Overcoming Barriers to the interface semiconductor-antenna, and generate electricity.

"Until now there was a way to capture infrared - said Naomi Halas, a scientist who led the study - but instead we have shown that is possible." Now that the technology is there. It's time to move the application. "We are anxious to see what will increase the efficiency of solar panels," said Halas.

The prospects are promising, much more than those on other energy sources. "This type of experimentation - Puppin stresses - are made easily. That are fast, economical and above all very dangerous. " There is not any comparison with the construction of a nuclear facility, even the most innovative.

"There is no comparison," exults the scientist. "To make a central ad hoc, it takes about fifteen years and several billion euro, not to mention the security implications." But nanoantenna not only will be used to support the photovoltaic panels. "The range of potential applications of this device - said Halas - is extremely diverse.

For example, could find wide use in the field of photonics on silicon chip technology including imaging and detection of light. " Valentina Arcovito

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