Friday, May 20, 2011

The tag to conquer the world while the patented Facebook

"I do not tag that came evil," "If you tag me not true" and yet "I would like to tag" to indicate a degree of the other, or "I was tagged the police", that I received a fine. Voice of the verb - not yet recognized by the Italian dictionary - tag it absolutely in vogue in the language of young and old members of Facebook, now also becomes a patent granted by the U.S.

Patent and Trademark Office. While the days of social networking is also a bit let 'strike off - many people are touched at least once to remove the tag from the picture with the former girlfriend or her friend is no longer too expensive - it is also true that the recognition USPTO formalizes a system become more of a fad.

With about 100 million images uploaded - and tagged - every day on Facebook is that one of the ingredients of the success of major social network websites as well as the second most visited site after Google. In a world where tagged images can break a friendship, populated by people with names like "the black taggatore", the "taggatore anonymous" and "taggatore disguise", and thrive where groups like tagging ke passion, "" I hate to be tagged "," brick and tagged "and appreciated the original Roman" tagged me to police, "is almost a pioneer in the tenderness noted that tagging of fashion in 2009 praising the popular system of identification with the song "Let on Facebook.

Sung by Manuel neomelodico of Love - a character created by The Creative Jackall - the legendary hit on a growing chorus: "I can tag my heart, I can call love, to love each other on Facebook. Tagging, as it is described in the patent number 7,945,653 registered May 17, 2011, is a system for marking digital content.

The method, which provides a selection of digital media and a region of media, include the association of a person or entity within the selected region and sending a notification to the person or entity mentioned in the tag. More difficult to explain than to do the majority of Facebook users that now use a system invented by Marck Zuckerberg, Scott Marlette Aaroon Sitting and every time, clicking on an image on a video on a file Music or on a text, a name associated with that content.

It took about five years from the time of filing the patent application for tagging, to get to Mr. Facebook, product architect and former engineer Sitting Marlette paternity of the system that provides as an additional function associated with the notification also 'delivery of advertising content.

In addition, a few days ago the introduction of tags for brands, products and celebrities, so those who want to identify the popular drink was immortalized in the photo of the party simply connect the image to the fan page of the drink with the tagging. Besides the economic aspect of the last victory of Zuckerberg and company - just a few weeks ago Facebook was always recognized the paternity of the system of virtual gifts - the patent provides a fairly good control on other social platforms that from now on will look good by 'introduce systems that can even remember the tagging.

That from now on is made in Facebook.

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