Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nintendo warns that 3D games are dangerous to children

Nintendo, which has a portfolio to launch a 3D console, has published a notice in which he considers dangerous use of the three dimensions by less than six years. The notice, which plays PCMag Japanese, Nintendo recalls that visual development is not finished before this age and the provision of 3D images, which presents separate images for each eye can have a potential impact on the growth of visual sistiema the children.

" For this reason, Nintendo will launch its 3D console lockout option so you can keep playing with it in two dimensions and encourages parents to control this aspect of the console and your child can have fun the same way with the two dimensions . In this notice, Nintendo, he adds, that even for the elderly it is advisable to take a break every 30 minutes when used 3D.

Nintendo's new console will be released in 2011.

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