Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Firmware 3.60 for PS3

Sony has released a new firmware at version 3.60 for its PlayStation 3 console, totally abandons once the firmware makes changes that should make the console more secure and the support to back up saved games online. Bakup The service is only available for users to PlayStatio Plus, the paid service, which allows up to 1000 to save a total of 150GB of space on a server cloud, what's interesting is that these backups can be used by 'user on the PS3 also provided several of connecting with your own account.

For those who do not subscribe to the Plus service innovations unique to a better management controller that allows you to set how many minutes after turning them off, whereas before it was set to 10 minutes without being able to intervene. The novelty of the new firmware also cover part hacker, in fact some have been removed loader to inhibit the operation of the custom firmware.

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