Monday, April 4, 2011

Anonymous is launching an operation against Sony

The online activists of Anonymous do not launch operations only against firms that prey on Wikileaks, or against governments accused of hindering freedom of expression online. The group announced Saturday, April 2, launching an operation against the Japanese Sony group, named "# opsony. "Bravo Sony, you have attracted the attention of Anonymous.

Your legal proceedings against hackers Hortz George, aka GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo we have not only alerted, but have mostly been considered unforgivable," wrote the group in a statement. In January, Sony ComputerEntertainment America (SCEA), the U.S. subsidiary of the electronics group, filed a complaint against the group of hackers managed to circumvent digital protections of the PlayStation 3.

In March, Sony has also obtained the right to recover the IP addresses of U.S. Internet users who had logged since January 2009 on the site GeoHot. UNBLOCKING OR PIRACY? The tools developed by hackers can run any program on the console games, including pirated games. But Anonymous argues in particular that the system bypass GeoHot is more like an "unlock" phone, as a "piracy" itself.

During their operation, members of Anonymous LOIC likely to use ("Low Orbit Ion Cannon"). With this simple software, users can easily participate in a denial of service, which aims to make a site inaccessible. On Monday, Sony principauxsites seemed little affected by the operation of Anonymous.

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