Sunday, June 5, 2011

iOS 5 is integrated with Twitter

For over 4 years since Apple introduced us the first version of its IOS operating system since its launch has never had significant changes except for minor changes to correct safety or bugs, this could change soon. Apple rumored aims to fully integrate its fifth generation of IOS with the social service Twitter.

The idea at first seems more interesting, it was high time that Apple would give some attention to the social networking sector is generating so much money nowadays. Yet many are surprised by the fact that many other social networks have been left out, it seems strange but it has an explanation.

As many of you know Apple and iMode has a clear origin, the boom of the company thanked the success of young people in New York. This has allowed him to become, from the iPod on, in one of the strongest companies in the market for gadgets. In New York the most popular social network Twitter, and the difference is overwhelming.

Yet it seems to be a great idea to leave outside the web integration that was competing with Google to be the most visited website in the world (Facebook) but their motives have.

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