Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Mozilla Foundation is preparing an operating system for mobile and tablet

The Mozilla Foundation, which publishes such as the Firefox browser, announced Monday it is working on a project operating system for mobile phones and touch pads. Called "Boot to Gecko" (B2G), the project should lead to a complete operating system - the main software of a computer or a telephone, such as Windows, Mac OS, Android, or GNU / Linux.

Still nieau initial design, B2G should work on the model of Chrome OS, the operating system Google's Web-oriented, with applications based on Web standards. The operating system will be fully free and open, meaning that its source code - the structure of the program - is freely available and modifiable.

The software will use a small portion of the code of Android, the operating system for mobile and Google bars, including the management of drivers, programs that operate hardware (monitor, graphics card ...) phones . The software should pouvoirĂȘtre installed on all phones that are compatible with Android.

On several occasions in the past, the Mozilla Foundation said it was not working on a draft operating system. The foundation said it had changed its strategy after finding that "the next frontier for Web applications is their ability to integrate fully the different terminals." So that developers can provide users with software as good as the applications developed natively for IOS Apple or Google's Android, the foundation believes it is necessary to create an operating system more open and based on Web standards.

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