Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Berlusconi is good for the newspapers that he hates

Silvio Berlusconi and his adventures "love" are doing to make a shameful figure to the Italians in the world. Foreign friends ask us: but can the Italians do not rebel? What's going on in Italy? Abroad, such a case would already be solved by the resignation of the premier hands free to defend himself.

Without wishing to process estimates, the level of the material produced by the prosecution and that is enough to allow a request for immediate review. The story of Bungagate has significant side effects on the world of free media, the prime minister who has often advised not to read. Italian newspapers and their online sites have seen their sales grow and access to them after the first leaks about the investigation of parties Arcore.

The sales figures of the printed newspaper takes us a bit 'to be available on those sites are online almost in real time. Not all of these data are public. While waiting for official data to make four Audiweb thought, we used data from Alexa, a kind of Auditel world wide web, not entirely reliable, but can tell the best trends.

Alexa analyzes different sources to make its statistics that analyze various parameters. Let's start with data macrosopici. Like all the experts know, Repubblica and Corriere online through their sites generate a lot more traffic to other sites of national newspapers. It is a network dominance in much higher than they have in their paper versions.

If you look at the Alexa data on page views in recent months, the Republic and Courier online have grown dramatically in the last two weeks of January, those of Bungagate. Republic has taken off on historic Via Solferino competitors. In January, those who follow the two leading newspapers have experienced some interesting developments.

Also according to Alexa, Ilfattoquotidiano. it has surpassed the couple the Newspaper - La Stampa, continuing the incredible run-up began in late June. The growth began just after mid-January: Berlusconi's companies have clearly contributed to this result. And from Monday, January 31 is also Linkiesta online.

com, a new adventure of digital newspaper, independent and ambitious. De Linkiesta Parliament in the coming days after following his break online.

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