A white box in which to write with the keyboard, and network search automatically starts, now without even the need to press enter. Google is one of the easiest things to use on the Internet. However, although the site seems to always equal to itself, behind the apparent static nature have been introduced over the years dozens of options to facilitate the research, that work without even noticing or using the special codes.
Math, weather, proofreading is anyone who frequently uses Google will certainly be confronted with results that are not limited to the usual link in blue on a white background. The hidden tricks here and there by Google to improve the results of his research are now a common tool for the more practical, but they remain a mystery to almost everyone else.
Little tricks that are worth knowing in order to save valuable time online and in more than one case, also placed some nice surprises left by engineers with a sense of humor, but also some mistakes. The calculator tweaked. Take for example the function of the calculator, as the name implies, allows to solve more or less complex calculations simply by typing them on Google.
Addition, subtraction and multiplication, however, hides a secret: trying to do the subtraction of large numbers (in the thousands of billions) may in fact happen to be confronted with wrong results, as they have tested many American blogs. Would be part of the unusual results, one of the curiosities hidden in Google (called Easter eggs, Easter eggs), is the search for the phrase "answer to life the universe and everything" as a result of the calculator shows that the number 42, a citation of the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Weather and Football.
If you want to return from galaxies to Earth, including search functions that the engine has one of the essential of every day there are weather, sports scores and stock quotes. These are searches that are activated by typing the name of the football team, prefixed by the word of their city weather, or by the initials of four characters of the listed company.
Easy, therefore, that we find ourselves, unwittingly, faced with this kind of result. Same goes for the programming of the film, so just type movie and your city, or to search for in your local area. Vocabularies and correction. Many students also use Google to make sure the spelling of a word, making the appearance of the result "did you mean ..." that in most cases indicates the correct term is more common.
Also in this field search engine added a little secret, that operates only in the English version: trying to find the term "recursion", Google brings up the note "did you mean recursion. This is not a mistake, because this term refers to the algorithm recursively expressed in terms of itself.
Humor engineers it is often found in the search trace, as in the case of research "ASCII art", which amends the official logo. Also appropriate for students are the options of the vocabulary: putting "define" a word, its definition is obtained according to the main sources in the network.
The symbols and formats. But if your goal is to optimize the search, there are a whole series of commands and codes to be included in the text bar on Google. To limit your search to one site, just enter "site:" and address of the site. For example, typing "milano site: republic. It" will only return articles with the word Milan in the Republic.
com. The characters "+" and "-" may instead help in the selection of pages when you try more than one term by putting a minus sign (-) in the second search term, you will only get pages that do not show the second word (trying "golf-car" model eliminates the name of golf cars and we focus on sports and fashion) before the second term using the plus sign (+), you only get the pages with both words.
If you search for a specific order of words, as if he quotes, then you need to put everything in quotation marks. Another useful trick is to find a specific format of the document, whether it be a powerpoint, a pdf or odt. In this case you must type the string "filetype: pdf" preceded by the look you want, and will only show documents in pdf (for all sizes need to enter the three-character extension).
The mind-reading. Even when all the codes and tricks used failed to elicit the desired result, we can only rely on MentalPlex Google search engine that allows you to read the mind of the navigator to find out what he wants to try online. This is just an old April Fool's joke in 2000, but with the refinement of technology, perhaps one day become reality. ![](http://affaritaliani.libero.it/static/upl/tra/0002/tracciapni.jpg)
Math, weather, proofreading is anyone who frequently uses Google will certainly be confronted with results that are not limited to the usual link in blue on a white background. The hidden tricks here and there by Google to improve the results of his research are now a common tool for the more practical, but they remain a mystery to almost everyone else.
Little tricks that are worth knowing in order to save valuable time online and in more than one case, also placed some nice surprises left by engineers with a sense of humor, but also some mistakes. The calculator tweaked. Take for example the function of the calculator, as the name implies, allows to solve more or less complex calculations simply by typing them on Google.
Addition, subtraction and multiplication, however, hides a secret: trying to do the subtraction of large numbers (in the thousands of billions) may in fact happen to be confronted with wrong results, as they have tested many American blogs. Would be part of the unusual results, one of the curiosities hidden in Google (called Easter eggs, Easter eggs), is the search for the phrase "answer to life the universe and everything" as a result of the calculator shows that the number 42, a citation of the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Weather and Football.
If you want to return from galaxies to Earth, including search functions that the engine has one of the essential of every day there are weather, sports scores and stock quotes. These are searches that are activated by typing the name of the football team, prefixed by the word of their city weather, or by the initials of four characters of the listed company.
Easy, therefore, that we find ourselves, unwittingly, faced with this kind of result. Same goes for the programming of the film, so just type movie and your city, or to search for in your local area. Vocabularies and correction. Many students also use Google to make sure the spelling of a word, making the appearance of the result "did you mean ..." that in most cases indicates the correct term is more common.
Also in this field search engine added a little secret, that operates only in the English version: trying to find the term "recursion", Google brings up the note "did you mean recursion. This is not a mistake, because this term refers to the algorithm recursively expressed in terms of itself.
Humor engineers it is often found in the search trace, as in the case of research "ASCII art", which amends the official logo. Also appropriate for students are the options of the vocabulary: putting "define" a word, its definition is obtained according to the main sources in the network.
The symbols and formats. But if your goal is to optimize the search, there are a whole series of commands and codes to be included in the text bar on Google. To limit your search to one site, just enter "site:" and address of the site. For example, typing "milano site: republic. It" will only return articles with the word Milan in the Republic.
com. The characters "+" and "-" may instead help in the selection of pages when you try more than one term by putting a minus sign (-) in the second search term, you will only get pages that do not show the second word (trying "golf-car" model eliminates the name of golf cars and we focus on sports and fashion) before the second term using the plus sign (+), you only get the pages with both words.
If you search for a specific order of words, as if he quotes, then you need to put everything in quotation marks. Another useful trick is to find a specific format of the document, whether it be a powerpoint, a pdf or odt. In this case you must type the string "filetype: pdf" preceded by the look you want, and will only show documents in pdf (for all sizes need to enter the three-character extension).
The mind-reading. Even when all the codes and tricks used failed to elicit the desired result, we can only rely on MentalPlex Google search engine that allows you to read the mind of the navigator to find out what he wants to try online. This is just an old April Fool's joke in 2000, but with the refinement of technology, perhaps one day become reality.
- These Startups Want You To Pay For Stuff With Your Phone, Beat Apple And Google, And Make Billions In the Process (24/03/2011)
- Google Jobs Prank Tricks Bing (24/03/2011)
- Google Launches Think Quarterly Magazine (via Techland) (25/03/2011)
- Update Your Old Google Documents (25/03/2011)
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Google (homepage)  NASDAQ: GOOG (googlefinance)  Google (blog)  Google (GOOG) (wikinvest)  Google (crunchbase)  Google (wikipedia)  Marissa Mayer at Stanford University (youtube)  
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