Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Zediva, the DVD rental service that annoys Hollywood

Before you can rent a movie video on demand, it takes several weeks to several months after its release on DVD. United States, a startup has found a way around this difficulty, but is now the subject of a complaint from the Motion Picture Association of America, the union of film studios. The trick set up by Zediva is both simple and complex.

Posing as a classic DVD rental, the company has powerful servers connected to DVD players. When a user rents a release, the film is read by the DVD, and broadcast on the client screen. A device that requires significant resources, and therefore has limits: site registrations are currently suspended, until Zediva increases its capacity.

For the MPAA, the Zediva fraudulently presents itself as a DVD rental to avoid paying license fees. "The status of DVD rental is a scam," it said in a statement. "Zediva is actually a video service that broadcasts on demand streaming movies, in violation of the rights of the studios." United States as in almost all countries, rights that are required to pay rent DVDs are different permissions that must have streaming sites - the former being much less expensive.

The difference between a renter and Zediva DVD "Classic" is very tenuous, however, considers the site TorrentFreak, highly critical of practices of the MPAA. "Why go to a physical store to rent a DVD is different to read it remotely? The second solution is certainly more environmentally friendly and cheaper for all Tech News Buzz.

Above all, the point of view of the right author, is exactly the same thing, "judge the site.

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