Thursday, August 11, 2011

California asks Facebook to delete accounts of detainees

The California Department of Corrections announced on Monday that it would seek to Facebook deleting active accounts on behalf of prisoners. "Access to social networks allows inmates to circumvent our system of monitoring and prosecuting criminal activity," said the head of the administration, Matthew Cate, said in a statement.

"This new cooperation between law enforcement and Facebook will better protect citizens and prevent further crimes." In support of its decision, the administration cites the example of a news item that occurred last year, an inmate had sent from his cellulle portraits drawn to a teenager he had attacked seven years earlier.

The man had used pictures found on MySpace and Facebook to draw the girl. In fact, that the prison has a new agreement with Facebook is based on a fairly standard arrangement of conditions for using the social network. Facebook rules contain no specific provision for prisoners, nor any other person should not logically be able to update his account.

However, the "bill of rights and responsibilities" of Facebook includes two points that are based California authorities: 4 - You will not use Facebook if you need to register with local authorities due to a conviction for sexual abuse . 8 - You will not share your password (or, in the case of developers, your secret key), do not let anyone access your account or will not do anything that might compromise the security of your account.

When an inmate's account remains active as he is imprisoned, there are only two possibilities: either the offender uses a phone connected to the Internet - in a famous case in Britain, an official mafia had used his account Facebook to send death threats since his cellulle - a third feeds on its behalf.

In the latter case, the account holder has not respected the terms and conditions of the day, and the prison administration can request rau social network to close. And it is unlikely that a prisoner can challenge the closure, arguing that it is the person who updated the account ... in violation of his detention.

For Facebook, this "agreement" to navigate between pressure from the authorities and the protection of its users. Historically, the social network has always refused to enter into specific agreements with government or governments, preferring to rely on its terms of use and associations.

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