Monday, February 28, 2011

The anonymity of Braveheart

Have you noticed? Fell comments, here on Done. But not the players, who instead grow. What happened? E 'was introduced the requirement for registration. To post a comment you must register. Mamma mia ... that fear! I had written a few months ago. The great merit of the Internet is to democratize communication, make it interactive dialogue horizontally and vertically.

The great defect is to allow many anonymous straparlare to open your mouth and give him breath, so we're all invisible, untraceable. (Which is not true that we are invisible. On the internet than ever are identifiable, retrievable, traceable in the bowels of the wiring that seems to hide.) In this age of communication there are few ideas that we are ready, I say to fight, but say our name.

E 'enough to post a comment that you should record that, immediately, interactivity has collapsed. Remain normal people who can help you say what they want, not having to hide. Increasing again, you'll see. Although the responsibility for their statements should educate themselves slowly.

But, of course, we record the phenomenon. Braveheart is not worth doing with the mask. It is not decent to do the ammazzasette when no one sees you. It is interesting to bullies, shoot and perform in harsh reprimands when, so ... no one knows who's behind the nickname. Things go wrong for that too.

Who voted for Berlusconi? None. But it has taken 40% of the vote. ... Ah! A nice way to change the country, our culture, you say what you really believe, after thinking it over enough, and do it by putting his face. Fior journalists here does exactly that, every day, and readers I am grateful.

If we do not even have the courage to sign or not to have an idea how ashamed for talking about, then what we ask others to magistrates, policemen, politicians? To ask, first, we must be able to be. And do not be a hero. But not disappear just have to put your full name.

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