Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Inside Wikileaks" vitriolic portrait of Julian Assange

Julian Assange a liar, paranoid, selfish: the first extracts of livreInside Wikileaks published by Cryptome including paint a portrait of the founder of the unfriendly site specializing in the publication of confidential documents. Written by Daniel Dommscheit-Berg, the former spokesman for the Allemang Wikileaks, the book traces the beginnings of the organization until the final quarrel between Assange and Domscheit-Berg.

A tiny organization. Domscheit-Berg lifts a veil on the inner workings of Wikileaks, and in particular how the organization has deliberately chosen to believe that she had many members, multiplying the pseudonyms, while only a handful of activists operated the site. "Even today I do not know if some of the names are real or whether it is just an alias of Julian Assange.

'Jay Lim', for example, is a legal officer. Jay Lim? A Chinese may be? I've never met. And I never met either Chinese dissidents, according to rumor, have helped launch WikiLeaks. " Financial opacity. The former spokesman of the site also explains that the organization, and especially Julian Assange, according to a report unhealthy him with money.

Upon publication of the video showing a U.S. military helicopter opened fire on civilians in Iraq, "The television channels have called to ask if they could use video if we had a version in high definition and how much it cost. We agreed to say that the chains should donate to Wikileaks, or, if their statutes forbid, that we pay for interviews.

The fact of receiving money for broadcast the video left me a bad taste in the mouth, "writes Domscheit-Berg. The former spokesman also tells Julian Assange refused to reimburse two Icelandic volunteers who went to Iraq to match the information of the video, advising them to create their own foundation to receive donations.

A leading media but egotistical. According to the first excerpts, Domscheit-Berg portrays very critical of Julian Assange, whom he recognizes, however, a significant charisma and iron will. It also describes a man whom the media turn his head, decides to hire bodyguards and likes to brag about his female conquests.

A man who does not hesitate to reinvent her past or to lie, saying that such documents have been checked but this is not the case. Documents unsecured. One of the main criticisms made Domscheit-Berg on Wikileaks concernen inner workings of the bidding documents. The former spokesman believes that the system was inadequately secured, and when he left the organization, he took the documents to which he had access.

An outright theft, for Julian Assange; Domscheit-Berg defends himself by explaining that "children should not play with guns. That is why we decided to remove control of the platform of sent to Julian. " Domscheit-Berg launched two weeks ago OpenLeaks, an alternative to Wikileaks, but he says he will not release the documents "borrowed" from Wikileaks.

Immediately after publication of the first excerpts of the book, Wikileaks has released a statement in which the organization plays down the role played by Domscheit-Berg in the organization, explaining that the former spokesman for Germany was not part of founding member and was no longer part of the organization since April 2010.

The organization also claims to have "commenced a lawsuit against our former employee," to "sabotage". Prosecutions that are likely to be difficult to complete: Wikileaks is not a business, and Domscheit-Berg was not an employee. The lack of legal status has also served the organization, allowing it to escape prosecution in the United States.

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