Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Microsoft closes Rustock, the largest spam network

Rustock, the largest network of spam, closed its doors due to Microsoft's collaboration with the Police, Rustock can be considered the world's largest organization of Spam and its closure should contibruire to a decrease of at least 39% of the worldwide phenomenon. Bring down the giant Spam has not been easy, the first move was made by Microsoft that has locked the server (master controller) in the U.S.

who attended to send commands to the zombie PC, then thanks to the Dutch police were also blocked those in Europe, were also involved in the operation of Internet service providers to block IP numb to those who control the botnets, and the CN-CERT (the Chinese branch of the anti-malware USA) to block the registration of domains to make use of it continue their illegal activity and the activation of other "master controller".

Microsoft and other participants in the operation are now working to clean up the malware from the web and make everything more secure.

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