Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Berlusconi cleared from the network with the DEberlusconiZER

A group of artists and programmers has created the solution to rid ourselves of Silvio Berlusconi, at least virtually. The DEberlusconiZER is an application that deletes pictures and words referring to Silvio Berlusconi and replace them with other content. Just go to www. de-zer. com to read Italian and foreign newspapers online and surf any website, without ever meeting a picture or a word directly related to B.

Explains Florian La Polla, one of the authors of the project, "at first replace icons and words directly related to the prime minister with colored boxes." A choice that, according to the intentions of the "deberlusconizzatori", aims to free the imagination of Internet users. "The vacuum created by DEberlusconiZER is a virtual space free from B, but that soon will be filled with new ideas and narratives." Subsequently, the web deberlusconizzato become home to a virtual art exhibition.

A number of artists, Italians and foreigners have been invited by the art critic Domenico Quaranta to think about the Internet as a public context and to propose their works with a new destiny for the space occupied by the first President of the Council. Each week a different artist will exhibit their works that users can enjoy surfing the net with DEberlusconiZER.

Have already joined Petra Cortright, Filippo Minelli, Aram Bartholl, Claudia Ross, Les Liens Invisibles, Video disorders, Jon Cohrs, Paolo Cirio, Maddalena and Ubermorgen Fragnito. The next version, still under construction, will open the project to all users who can publish their words and images because, says one of the creators of software, "The debate on the manipulation of information and 'very important in this time in Italy and put citizens at the center of a potential practice of censorship or replacement can 'enrich this debate.

" Domenico Quaranta, however, invites everyone to be careful. "The Deberlusconizer weapon is complex and should be used with discretion. It 'a tool for manipulation of the information flow. The possibility that exploits as a tactic of resistance can, if misused, be transformed into something very different: a tool to erase what you do not want to see, to build a reality for our use and consumption.

Do not fall into this error: the aim must be, now and forever, change the world. "

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