Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Messages on Twitter are audience and the media can play

Twitter messages are public and can be played by the media. This is the decision of the Complaints Committee of the Press in Britain. The question was raised by an employee of the Department for Transport, Sarah Baskerville, who sued two newspapers, the Daily Mail and The Independent, because his remarks reproduced on Twitter about going to work with a hangover.

The employee claimed that the comments were owned and operated the 700 surfers who follow her on Twitter. He also maintained that he had warned that their messages were personal and not representative of their work. The commission has supported their arguments because the messages were accessible to more people than 700 followers on Twitter Baskerville and there was no restriction on them.

The Committee recalls the wide use made in this network messages are forwarded by readers of the same. The commission says it is the first time that a decision on playing messages on Twitter but has had several complaints regarding the use of newspapers for the content of social networks.

Advising that the Internet ends not post messages that do not want them to have public significance.

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