Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The turning point of the Vodafone VOIP Skype To have to pay

Without the law, find the loophole, the adage goes. This time it is not deception, but Vodafone users who yesterday found a block to their VoIP calls have poured into the ground on the web talking about "shame", "mockery" and threatening to change in mass operator. What happened? Let's start with an example.

Many of us have a home subscription to the Internet. Tenders and quality are of all kinds, but for all that is the principle that, once subscribed, anyone can use your connection as it wants without interference of the operator (you can make Skype calls, download files, etc.). . The same principle should apply to mobile phones that connect to 3G network: you pay, and then you decide how to use that connection.

From yesterday to Vodafone is no longer so. The operator customers who have signed the cheapest fares, they can not use software such as Skype and Viber (enabling free calls over the Internet) unless they agree to pay a further eight weeks later than ten € € monthly planned for data traffic.

If Skype has set out its concerns, Vodafone ensure that these provisions were already included in the contracts (but still many online complain about lack of transparency): the block would just left yesterday completed the technical changes to the network. Clearly, this violates the new net-neutrality, the principle that those who provide connections can not impose arbitrary restrictions on the devices and the manner in which they operate.

This principle is protected in the U.S.: in the States is not possible to block VoIP services by operators. We are arriving from the provisions milder it's up to the Italian Parliament to ratify the directive about "Telecom" and to provide guidelines in this regard. If you want to ensure users, certainly in our country should be established, the net-neutrality.

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